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Google Street View and Interactive Virtual Tours-

Technology is the driving force for businesses today, creating avenues for creators and consumers alike to achieve more with less physical input. That being said, technology has also been the reason for the downfall of some businesses, i.e. those ones that chose not to adapt and/or utilize the tools provided by technological advancements like the Google street view and interactive virtual tours, being the major emerging technological applications influencing the way people patronize businesses and also shapes their lifestyle.
Google street view and interactive virtual tour brings people into a simulated 3D environment, where viewers can interact/control the realistic environment giving them a near-exact feel of being in the location they are viewing.
So, how does the google street view and interactive virtual tours influence customer trust and patronage? I’ll break it down for you in 5 concise bullets!


In a world where cyber-crimes and a lot of other frivolous activities are perpetrated on the web and even physically, creating an avenue where prospective customers can view and interact with your business environment, see the products you have to offer and also see the various staff within the business environment goes a long way in persuading customers your business is real and running.


Having a peek of the services a business offers and a realistic preview of the products available can simply be the deciding factor in choosing who to patronize in favor of a business which has a virtual tour technology compared to its competitors without the technology. Also, it reduces the case of having to make long perusal of big complexes when a customer already knows where their targets products are.


Virtual tours are incredible media content that are easily promoted on and offline. Links to business premises, retail stores, cafeterias, event centers etc. can be promoted on social media, web blogs and so on.


People are always on the internet, surfing and interacting with random contents. Virtual tours tend to create lasting impressions, and easily catches the eyes, with sites and sounds from your business premises. Everyone loves what they can interact with, it humanizes the whole experience, from research, to the final stage pf patronage.

“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a virtual tour is said to be worth a thousand pictures.”

By now you’ve probably just realized that the google street view and the interactive virtual tours aren’t just gaining hype for nothing. So, if you are a business owner looking to take the initiative, you can add these tech applications to your arsenal and forge ahead to build customer trust and convert into patronage.


Author: Soaga Kingsley .T

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